
SFWA officer collections

Page history last edited by Andrew Lippert 3 years, 5 months ago

This page (and its subsidiary pages) is a work in progress


This section of the wiki serves as a resource for information on the location of archival collections that include papers pertaining to various officer positions of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).  The goal of the wiki is to offer a succinct listing that will help researchers identify holding institutions and related resources (such as online finding aids and catalog records) related to the operations of the SFWA organization.  The intention is not to duplicate the detailed information that exists on individual institutions' websites or in their catalogs, but rather to provide an easy-to-consult list of where these papers are housed.


Click on the officer list below (or in the side bar) to search for papers pertaining to a specific position:


List of Presidents

List of Vice Presidents

List of Secretary-Treasurer (position only used from 1965 through 1971, split into two positions starting with 1971 terms)

List of Secretaries

List of Treasurers (1971-2014, transitioned to CFO)

List of CFOs (2014-)



Entries for this portion of the wiki follow the format:


Year Range. FirstName LastName.  Collection Name (with link to online finding aid or catalog record, where available).  Call Number.  Library Name,  Institution Name. Curatorial contact information, if no online finding aid or catalog information is available.


For example:



How to add an entry:


Since the wiki is collaboratively authored, we invite librarians to add their own institutional holdings.  You may do so by:


  1. Requesting permission to edit the workspace and then logging in (editing permission will be granted to librarians and archivists who wish to add information and links to their institutional holdings)
  2. Clicking on the wiki page to which you would like to add an entry
  3. Clicking on the "Edit" pane to contribute to particular wiki page (entries in this portion of the Wiki should be added chronologically and by position and follow the format suggested above
  4. Clicking "Save" at the bottom of the page to save one's changes


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